welcomeInbar Kitai's page |
In this page you will find games and projects that ive been working on. this website will get updated along my learning course and will get new games and projects added to. |
1st project: pixle spaceShip This project is a pixle art that I desigend myself and implemented to the project using a big table with each cell having its owen color presenting a pixle. |
try "pixle spaceShip" |
2nd project: Light bulb In this project you'l see a big light bulb, if you press it, it will turn on, press it again, and, you guessed it, it wil turn off. |
try "Light bulb" |
3rd project: Just a game In this game, you control a board and move it from side to side trying to keep a bouncing ball from hitting the ground. Controls: hold left click with your mouse and move it from side to side or use the A to go left & D to go right. |
try "Just a game" |